7 Ways to Attract Customers to Your Restaurant


When you start running a restaurant, you will not initially have loyal customers, however, getting loyal customers is not very difficult. There are different methods for attracting customers depending on the types of services you provide. You can make use of the following 7 ways to build a loyal customer base.

Build a strong social media profile

Manage your social media profiles highlighting special features of your business. You can increase social media awareness about your business by taking care to share visually impressive posts. If you want to reach a wider audience, you can also consider making campaigns and gift drawings.

Earn your customers’ loyalty

Mobile applications specially developed for restaurants are effective in establishing customer loyalty.

To create a loyal customer base, you can use Simpra Loyalty module with its POS system integration. Using Simpra Loyalty, you can also provide special offers, analyze customer behavior and take orders through your mobile application and website.

Offer free wifi

By offering a wireless network connection within your restaurant, you can increase the duration of visits and level of consumption. Free Internet can be considered a basic necessity for all types of businesses that want to build loyalty, increase frequency and attract new customers.

Celebrate special occasions

You can offer your customers select opportunities on special days such as birthdays, assuming you access birthday information through your loyalty application. Thus, you will encourage customers to spend these special days in your restaurant, effectively attracting them to your business.

Order online

Take online orders through intermediary platforms, your website and mobile application. Fast delivery service has a positive effect on attracting customers. Make sure to employ among others the most preferred takeaway order method that has proven itself so you can present your products to customers who can not physically visit your restaurant.

Offer different payment and order methods


Offer your customers alternative payment methods such as cash, credit card, debit card, online payment, meal card and contactless payment. Aim for a high level of service quality by ensuring that your customers do not have a problem with any payment methods provided. When choosing a restaurant automation software, make sure to choose a system that provides all these different payment methods.

Take care of your customers’ comments

Pay attention to all opinions, comments and suggestions coming from websites, social media platforms and face to face interactions and build your services on all these valuable feedbacks. You should make your customers feel that they are special by always listening, paying attention and following up. Attracting customers to a restaurant lies in methods that aim to create a sense of loyalty. Try Simpra Loyalty for effective loyalty management.


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